In the Media

Several of our projects have been mentioned in the media. We are proud to showcase some of them.

Article published in Canadian Architect, July 1999, about the Centre sportif Georges-Vanier, award winning of the Canadian Architect Award of Excellence, 1998



‘’(…) The brick colours employed were chosen because of their similarity to those found in the immediate vicinity. However, these bricks are over-scaled (the size of concrete blocks) and have been patterned in a fish scale-like bond.

The imperfection of the bricks themselves allows for the subtle casting of shadows which brings the pattern into greater relief. This meeting of a familiar material with an unfamiliar scale bonding pattern disrupts our preconceived reading of brick and therefore forces us to look at these walls with fresh eyes.

Ultimately, the intelligence and skill with which the architects simultaneously absorb and challenge convention at the scales of urbanism, spatial layering and detail distinguish this project as one of the most stimulating in recent canadian production. This precise calibration of overall effect can be thought of as a form of conceptual alchemy because it proves that even the urbanistically destructive or aesthetically numbing detritus of modernity can be regenerated for the social good. It could also be said that this building, like the best in conceptual art practice (…), privileges ideas over the packaging of aesthetics. It imaginatively engages with the symbols of the everyday, in order to make transparent through intense reprensentation or social critique, the material, social and psychological conditions of how we live today. One could, therefore, refer to the Centre sportif de la Petite-Bourgogne as ‘’conceptual architecture’’ par excellence.’’

Article published in the magazine/newspaper Le Trait d’Union/Action Plus, Sunday September 19th, 1993, about the école du Carrefour-des-Lacs



«Saviez-vous que…?

455 élèves fréquentent présentement l’école du Carrefour-des-Lacs. Le potentiel d’accueil est de 500 élèves. 18 des 20 salles de classe sont actuellement utilisées par 4 groupes de maternelle, 3 groupes de première année, 2 groupes de deuxième année, 3 groupes de troisième année, 3 groupes de quatrième, 2 groupes de cinquième et 2 groupes de sixième année. 360 à 370 élèves mangent à l’école, chaque jour. Les six autobus nécessaires au transport voyagent chaque jour de 400 à 420 élèves, soit environ 90 % de la population étudiante du Carrefour-des-Lacs. »

Article published by Bernard Gauthier, about the clinique médicale Blainville



« Blainville aura bientôt une toute nouvelle clinique médicale vers l’automne prochain. Le bâtiment existant sera entièrement rénové et le projet d’agrandissement en cours permettra d’occuper une superficie totale de 24 000 pieds carrés. C’est l’entrepreneur en construction Lavacon qui a décroché le contrat et mis la main à la pâte depuis la conception des plans et le calcul des budgets préliminaires. »